No Borders

An­noyed by mul­ti­ple ver­sions of your doc­u­ments float­ing around? Tired of copy­ing your files be­tween your de­vices all the time? Go home early with Any­Desk. Use of­fice soft­ware from your lap­top and don't worry about li­cense is­sues or per­for­mance. And if your lap­top gets stolen, your busi­ness se­crets will be safe on your of­fice com­puter - no need to trust cloud based ser­vices.
Our world­wide server net­work pro­vides an easy, fast, and se­cure con­nec­tion from any­where.

No Lags

Switch the turbo on. Any­Desk uses DeskRT to pro­vide a con­sid­er­ably bet­ter image qual­ity and re­spon­sive­ness than com­pet­ing screen­shar­ing and re­mote desk­top prod­ucts. DeskRT is a new and in­no­v­a­tive video codec specif­i­cally de­signed for the trans­mis­sion of image ma­te­r­ial from graph­i­cal user in­ter­faces.
Any­Desk con­nec­tions are being routed over Er­lang-based servers. This tech­nol­ogy is widely used in large and ro­bust telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tems. And its re­li­a­bil­ity makes sure our prod­uct is avail­able when­ever you need it.

No Limits

A great tool should boost your pro­duc­tiv­ity. This is why we de­signed Any­Desk to stay out of your way. Any­Desk is the first re­mote desk­top soft­ware that doesn't re­quire you to think about what you can do. CAD, video edit­ing or sim­ply work­ing com­fort­ably with an of­fice suite for hours are just a few ex­am­ples.
With all of this ver­sa­til­ity, Any­Desk is still sur­pris­ingly easy to use. Every­thing you need is only a few clicks away and aligned in a clear and sim­ple user in­ter­face.


Don't be mis­led by the se­cu­rity claims of com­pet­ing so­lu­tions. Any­Desk of­fers TLS1.2 based en­cryp­tion which is also used in on­line bank­ing.
We take se­cu­rity very se­ri­ously. Both ends of a con­nec­tion are cryp­to­graph­i­cally ver­i­fied so no one can take over your Any­Desk-ID and pre­tend to be you.
Set up your own Any­Desk-En­ter­prise-Net­work if you need ab­solute cer­tainty no one else is pulling the strings. With Any­Desk's net­work ap­pli­ance on-premise, no un­en­crypted data will ever leave your com­pany's DMZ.


We be­lieve that a good tool should be for every­one. At home or at the of­fice, Any­Desk can make your day eas­ier. For ca­sual pri­vate use, Any­Desk is free. For reg­u­lar home or of­fice use we offer flex­i­ble planswith many use­ful pre­mium fea­tures for pri­vate power users and com­pa­nies.
One more thing: Have you ever seen your re­cently pur­chased soft­ware li­cense be­come ob­so­lete over night? This won't hap­pen with Any­Desk. Your li­cense will cover all fu­ture ver­sions.


All users who dis­like bloated soft­ware as much as we do will love how Any­Desk sets new stan­dards in porta­bil­ity. We man­aged to pack all these fea­tures into an in­cred­i­bly small file of just one megabyteDown­loaded in a glimpse, sent via email, or fired up from your USB drive, Any­Desk will turn any desk­top into your desk­top in sec­onds. No ad­min­is­tra­tive priv­i­leges or in­stal­la­tion needed.
Any­Desk is here to stay. If you choose to keep it on your PC, just launch the in­te­grated in­staller and set it up with three clicks.
